Austin Texas photography blog by Ben Sklar

Archive for February 2011

Post play

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On the drive to shoot in New Mexico and visit family in Los Angeles late last year I made an effort to stop along the way. Post, near Lubbock, is a town I’ve driven through many times and represents an idea of my West Texas – quiet, slow, pleasant, an easy way of life. I found this playground constructed by a public works project in the 80s – it was quiet, empty and looked relatively unplayed on. It was also cold.

I also just returned from a promotion trip to NYC – meeting with many clients and putting the new work in front of new client’s I’d like to work with. I had a lot of fun, a lot of good meetings and learned a lot as always. I’ll update some photos from that trip soon.

Written by bensklar

February 28, 2011 at 11:11 am

Weekend in LA

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Welcome to the new Blar at I hope you all found your way here and continue to follow my posts, updates and photos. I’ve been hanging on to a library of images ready to upload awaiting the launch of the new blog and website. These photographs are from the time I spent in Los Angeles during Christmas – vertical views from Venice Beach. The weather was overcast and inspired me to take pictures of my surroundings. After driving for days taking pictures was really nice.

Most of January has been consumed with the new – logo, website, blog, mailers, cards, booklets, emails and planning a trip to NYC. A few nice shoots have come and gone. I recently finished a short film with GSDM video producer T.Crelia and have started production on other video productions – stay tuned.

I have to thanks photo consultant Jasmine DeFoore for her influence, opinion and input to this whole production, it wouldn’t have been done as well without her. Also, my web guru Drew Tieken deserves a big thanks and round of applause, this is his baby as much as mine.

Written by bensklar

February 8, 2011 at 8:30 am